
Vince Mannings is lucky enough to be married to Helene; they make their home in the seaside town of Pacific Grove, California. Vince has a Ph.D. and has had a successful career in astrophysics. He was born in Liverpool, England and, with his siblings, Cathy, Kevin and Paul, was raised by Irish parents. From the age of seven until he left for college, he resided in Winsford, a town in the rural county of Cheshire. Fiction by Vincent Mannings includes An Appreciation of the Scholar, Adalbert , to appear in an upcoming issue of the Brooklyn-based AZURE: A Journal of Literary Thought . The first three chapters of his novel, Cinder Island , were published recently in Embark: A Literary Journal for Novelists (Cambridge, Massachusetts) , and another piece, Jedediah Arkansaugh , has been featured in the Long Island literary and fine arts journal, The Woven Tale Press . A fourth story, The Critic , is in The Wilderness House Literary Review (Littleton, Massachusetts), wh